
Arlington Campus
Fairfax Campus

“Two Campuses, Two Distinct Experiences”

The Army Navy Country Club Foundation was incorporated on September 14, 2004, as an IRS 501(c)(3) Public Charity. Although the Articles of Incorporation included a charitable mission, the newly incorporated Foundation, with its roots in the now defunct Army Navy Country Club (ANCC) History Sub-Committee, was primarily focused on researching, documenting, and preserving the Club’s history. It was only after the resurrection of the Foundation in 2012, following several years of “hibernation”, that the charitable function gained traction. This traction was in the form of a Staff Support Program (SSP) that provided grants and interest free loans to ANCC staff members who found themselves in a dire financial situation through no fault of their own. During the COVID pandemic, with numerous staff members furloughed, the charitable mission far exceeded the history mission in terms of Foundation outlays. This website provides a venue for learning about the rich history of ANCC as well as the historical aspects of the Club’s two properties, Arlington and Fairfax and documents the Foundation’s numerous initiatives and accomplishments. Enjoy!

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